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Dutch Reef Rock

Made from 100% natural marine friendly ingredients, Dutch reef rock leaves zero environmental impact within the ocean’s coral reefs and marine habitats. Dutch Reef Rock is free from parasitic algae and harbours no nuisance organisms, offering aquarium hobbyists a clean, biologically active rock without the issues associated with wild live rock.

Dutch Reef Rock mimics the look and feel of coralline encrusted coral skeleton rock, found in wild coral and living reef rock – pieces are light, porous and full of holes. Grown in your aquarium or on our farm to become a bio-active rock, the abstract shapes provide a beautiful and eye-catching focal point for marine reefs and fish-only aquariums.

This reef rock offers an alternative to the shelf or slab rock that used to be imported from Indonesia or Tonga. Unlike such options, Dutch Reef Rock creates the perfect shelf stacker for frags, clams and other marine aquarium inhabitants that need a flat surface to stabilize on. Dutch Reef Rock also functions fabulously as a natural filter or growing surface.

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