Aquaforest Life Bio Fil
Aquaforest Life Bio Fil is a natural biological filtration media that has been pre-seeded with carefully selected bacterial strains that will initiate and support the nitrification process in both new and established tanks alike.
Initiates and supports the nitrification process
Life Bio Fil is a natural biological filtration media. Due to carefully selected bacterial strains it initiates and supports the nitrification process which accelerates maturation.
Increases filtration efficiency
Life Bio Fil is perfect filtration media for newly established tanks. Life Bio Fil will also increase efficiency of filtration in older, already functioning tanks. Due to content of bacteria it starts nitrification process almost immediately – there’s no need to wait for the settlement of the medium. Life Bio Fil should be placed in the sump in a good water flow. 1000 ml medium should be used in an aquarium with a capacity of 400 l. We recommend to replace 10 -20 % of the filling every 6 weeks.
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