Iron Concentrate is excellent at bringing out many colors but green will be the most pronounced. Iron may also increase the density of Zooxanthellae in coral which may result in tissue darkening.
Iron is also necessary to increase skeleton rigidity for certain corals, specially Pocciloporas and Seriatoporas. Furthermore Iron is a necessary element for Growth of all Macroalgaes.
Nutrition for zooxanthellae and all color ranges of corals
For all kind of corals! Pure nutrition for zooxanthellae and all color ranges of your corals.
Indispensable in nutrient-poor tanks. In fact Iron is only available in minimal amount in saltwater, but it is permanently consumed and should be provided consistantly. Our Iron concentrate is a very special product and the effect is shown rapidly. Well suited for all kind of corals. Recommended in all tank systems.
Dosing: normal stock 1 drop/100L/25gallons per day.This can be increased or reduced, according to the individual consumption in the tank. Watch the corals carefully: when the corals react with enhanced coloration stop dosing.
The previous dosing of 1 ml/wk/50g is also possible, but we prefer the new daily supply for the corals.
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