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CaribSea Bahama's Oolite 0.25-1mm 9.07kg

kr 499.00
2-4 ukers leveringstid.
CS - Carib fijn

Caribsea's Arag-Alive! Live Reef Sand is a great choice for new aquarists and new reef tank setups. Arag-Alive sands clear quickly and contain millions of live bacteria, speeding up your tanks cycle and leading to less nuisance algae.


  • - Contains live bacteria to assist with a faster cycle
    - Grain size: 0.25-1mm
    - Great for tanks with low flow
    - High Surface Area for Bacteria

Selecting the right sand: When choosing the right sand for your tank, it is important to keep a few things in mind.


How much flow will be in the tank?
Aquariums with high amounts of water movement will require sand with a larger grain size. Smaller particles can be blown around easily.

What kind of inhabitants will you be keeping?
Many species do require particular types of sand, like gobies, jawfish, and wrasses. Fish and invertebrates that like to burrow or sift through the sand will do best with smaller particle sizes.

Will it be for a refugium or deep sandbed?
Sand that will be used for filtration or refugium, we suggest using smaller particles that will give bacteria more surface area to grow and thrive on.

How much sand do I need?

We suggests 1 bag of Fiji Pink sand per 100 liters

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CS - Carib fijn
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