Coral Rx Pro 30ml
Coral Rx provides a quick, safe, and effective solution to protect against pest risks, and is the world leading coral dip, with over 10 Million Doses sold and counting!
Coral Rx was designed by keeping the health of your coral in mind. Our proprietary blend of natural ingredients contains no iodine, which is known to stain corals, nor does Coral Rx contain oxidizers whose by-products are often toxic and continue to react with surrounding tissue.
Independent research also questions the effectiveness of iodine treatments. Please take a look at this feature article in Advanced Aquarist, April 2009.
CoralRx Is Effective Against
How to use Coral Rx Pro:
Dosage per gallon of dip
Coral RX: 20ml or 4 capfuls
Coral RX Pro: 30 drops
Pro Tips: If you have a small power head, you can use this to keep the water moving in the last step.
1: Shake: First you need to shake the bottle of Coral RX
2: Add Dosage: Based on the product purchased to 1 gallon (3,8 liters) of saltwater from the aquarium.
3: Mix Well: Make sure to mix salt water and solution well
4: Keep Water Moving: Make sure to keep the water moving, and place the coral into the coral dip. Gently shake for 5-10 mins.
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