Premium MarcoRocks Shelf Rock
- - 100% Pest Free
- Sustainable Choice
- Optimal Biological Filtration
NB! Det vil ikke være mulig og velge størrelse og fasong da vi ikke har dem på vårt lager.
Create Beautiful Aquascapes
Our ability to mimic natural reef structures is only as good as the rock we have to work with. Lucky for us, there is MarcoRocks Premium Shelf Rock. Shelf Rock is perfect for creating layered aquascapes with overhangs and caves for visual interest. Unlike some other types of shelf rock available, MarcoRocks Shelf Rock is a natural product and not machined flat, giving it a more natural look. We recommend stacking the rocks as horizontal as possible and cementing them together at key junctions with E-Marco-400 mortar to secure them in place.
Typical Size Range: 13 to 38cm Long (measured at the longest distance)
Pest Free
Because it's not taken from the ocean, Shelf Rock offers a pest-free start to your aquarium. No worrying about introducing fish parasites, coral pathogens, or annoying algae. The rock's natural porosity also makes it an excellent medium for beneficial bacterial growth, crucial for a balanced and healthy ecosystem.
This all-natural calcium carbonate rock is harvested from dry areas that were once ancient reefs. Often, you can spot fossilized corals and shells within the rock. Because it is not harvested from a marine environment, it has no negative impact on our delicate reef or marine ecosystem. Combine this with MarcoRock's unique no-chemical cleaning and processing and you get great looking environmentally friendly rock.
How Much Rock Do I Need?
How much rock you need may vary slightly depending on your overall goal for the aquascape, but as a general rule of thumb, 1 pound of Shelf Rock per gallon of tank volume will be a good start. Always consider purchasing a bit extra to ensure you have enough material to achieve your desired look. Any extra rock can always be broken up and placed in your refugium or sump for added biological filtration.
Frakt: Reefly Aquatics gjør alt for å pakke steinen på en sikker måte. Posten er imidlertid ikke alltid skånsom mot tunge produkter som dette, og de anser ikke dette produktet som forsikringsbart. På grunn av dette er det en risiko med å frakte stein som dette over hele landet, og det er umulig å erstatte eller refundere ødelagte deler. Hvis dette skjer, kan de fleste deler repareres med epoksy.
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